ArcGIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products that provides a standards-based platform for spatial analysis, data management, and mapping.
ArcGIS Suite consists of couple of GIS products produced by ESRI.
Desktop ArcGIS Suite contain following applications.

ArcCatalog is the data management application, used to browse datasets and files on one's computer, database, or other sources.

ArcGlobe is a 3D visualization application that allows us to view large amounts of GIS data on a globe surface (comes with 3D Analyst Extension).

ArcMap is an integrated interface of ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcEditor and ArcToolbox.

ArcReader (freeware, viewer) is a basic data viewer for maps and GIS data published in the proprietary ESRI format using ArcGIS Publisher.

ArcScene is a 3D visualization application that allows you to view your GIS data in three dimensions (comes with 3D Analyst Extension).