Google Earth API

Saturday, April 24, 2010

ArcGIS Basics

What is ArcGIS?
ArcGIS is an integrated collection of GIS software products that provides a standards-based platform for spatial analysis, data management, and mapping.

ArcGIS Suite consists of couple of GIS products produced by ESRI.

Desktop ArcGIS Suite contain following applications.

ArcCatalog is the data management application, used to browse datasets and files on one's computer, database, or other sources.

ArcGlobe is a 3D visualization application that allows us to view large amounts of GIS data on a globe surface (comes with 3D Analyst Extension).


ArcMap is an integrated interface of ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcEditor and ArcToolbox.

ArcReader (freeware, viewer) is a basic data viewer for maps and GIS data published in the proprietary ESRI format using ArcGIS Publisher.

ArcScene is a 3D visualization application that allows you to view your GIS data in three dimensions (comes with 3D Analyst Extension).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Google Map Bangalore

Browser based GIS in Blog
Thanks to Google
Let us hope for the Web based mapping tool with multiple functionality.

View Larger Map

ArcGIS 3D Analyst Overview

ArcGIS 3D Analyst
ArcGIS 3D Analyst is an extension to ArcGIS desktop that allows you to effectively visualize and analyze surface data. Using ArcGIS 3D Analyst, you can view a surface from multiple viewpoints, query a surface, determine what is visible from a chosen location on a surface, create a realistic perspective image that drapes raster and vector data over a surface, and record or perform three-dimensional navigation.
With ArcGIS 3D Analyst, you can:
Create three-dimensional views directly using your GIS data.
Analyze three-dimensional data using cut/fill, line-of-sight, and terrain modeling.
View your data from a global to local perspective.
Navigate through multiresolution terrain data seamlessly.
Do spatial analysis in two or three dimensions.
Visualize modeling or analysis results in three-dimensions.
Use three-dimensional models and symbols for realism.
Export your visualizations into videos.

ArcScene is a 3D visualization application that allows you to view your GIS data in three dimensions.
ArcScene allows you to overlay many layers of data in a 3D environment. Features are placed in 3D by reading height information from feature geometry, feature attributes, layer properties, or a defined 3D surface, and every layer in the 3D view can be handled differently. Data with different spatial references will be projected to a common projection, or data can be displayed using relative coordinates only. ArcScene is also fully integrated with the geoprocessing environment, providing access to many analytical tools and functions.

GIS :niche technology to mainstream

GIS(Geographical Information System) is a familiar word in today's digital world.It's become an indispensable to all the businesses out there in this planet.Let me explain little about this technology, GIS in short word is a "Smart map" .A GIS is most often associated with a map. A map, however, is only one way you can work with geographic data in a GIS, and only one type of product generated by a GIS. A GIS can provide a great deal more problem-solving capabilities than using a simple mapping program or adding data to an online mapping tool.The GIS captures and stores information about the particular location on Earth. Now you might be wondering how is this going to help you with your business. The geographic information systems were basically used for crisis managements and effective governance.

Nowadays GIS plays an important role in every aspect of life.Corporate sector using GIS for business intelligence,Health Department for epidemic control,Civic agencies for utility management so on.You will be well aware of the fact that the Geographic information system is very costly ones and cannot be afforded by most of the business and organization available out there. This is where the GIS service providers come into play. With the huge demand for the location tracking and mapping services, several GIS service providers have popped up. These service providers are commonly referred as the GIS hosting or the Map hosting services. With the introduction of these data service providers, you can get the required data about any location if you pay them a nominal fee.

Another application of GIS is the creation of local maps. An excellent example for the application of the Geographic information system is Google Maps. The GIS will come handy if you are planning to create an online application, something that is similar to the Google Maps. You will be well aware of the fact that location tracking is widely used in today’s social networking. The GIS plays an important role in creating such applications for the modern social networks.

Address Verification is another popular application of GIS. As the name indicates, you can verify and confirm anyone’s address though the GIS. This will be helpful for the businesses which include lots of transaction in the form of raw materials. The buyer can confirm the location of the supplier and ensure that the supplier is genuine. If the location of the supplier is different from the one quoted by him, you can avoid the deal and prevent getting cheated. The great opportunity to make safe deals have made these Geographic information systems very popular than ever before.

The GIS is a technology that is capable of uplifting all our lives too. These systems help in monitoring the polluted areas so that necessary pollution control actions can be taken. Hence the GIS is promising a better tomorrow for humankind on Earth.